Maximizing Luxury Travel Sales: Insights for New and Experienced Advisors
by Travel Market Report
The luxury segment has long been the most profitable segment for advisors to specialize in. So many of the most successful North American travel agencies have built their business exclusively selling higher priced vacations from luxury suppliers to higher income clients.
Advisors with more years in business have more success selling luxury—the report found that those with over 30 years in business, those that have spent three decades nurturing clients, have sold the most luxury.
That’s not to say specializing in luxury as a newer advisor is impossible—the more experienced advisors have not only had the time to grow their business but have seen their clients grow their own careers and move from mass market to premium, luxury vacations. Still, it’s a harder task.
The team here at TMR wants to help newer advisors, and more seasoned ones, too, build their luxury business even without the experience. And that starts with the new Luxury Vacations Outlook, sponsored by ALG Vacations, which goes live today.
In the report, available here or via TMR’s Training Page, you’ll find information on how and why luxury advisors are succeeding, including what kind of vacations their clients are asking for, what destinations are most popular, and what clients really consider “luxury” when it comes to spending, service, and more.
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