Now that business will be shut down for a while, those who can withstand the pressure, are moving beyond trying to preserve cash. Instead they are trying to rise to the occasion in an unprecedented crisis with higher levels of service.

While the story evolves every day, tour operators are finding that some clients are reacting to the crisis by shifting their destination preferences rather than just staying home.

The impact that coronavirus is having on the travel tour business is changing on a daily basis.

Market trends for 2020 have already veered far from expectations, but for international tour operators, adaptability is the name of the game.

The pioneer adventure travel company is teaming up with a travel information specialist to form a new hybrid tour product line.

An educational symposium on the rapidly changing field of digital marketing showed diverse perspectives and strategies to take advantage of the trends.

South Africa’s national carrier is pushing ahead with new products while it undergoes an economic reorganization designed to put it on sounder footing for future growth.

The classic tour operator is continuing its quest to make guided vacations a preferred mode of travel, with new types of tours in some surprising destinations.

A visit to Washington, D.C., and its surrounding historical places, is impactful and uplifting, immersing guests in a treasure trove of American history.

The South American adventure and wine destination is renewing efforts to penetrate its most valuable source market.