Ask about a company’s vision, and follow a leader who has a dream.

While there are more techniques and styles than could be ever committed to memory, there is one theme that is consistent.

TMR columnist Scott Koepf looks to Shrek and what it takes to overcome self-imposed limitations.

TMR columnist Scott Koepf looks to the classic musical Bye Bye Birdie on what it takes to connect with people.
TMR columnist Scott Koepf suggests taking the song’s approach of self-analysis and applying it to business.
TMR columnist Scott Koepf looks to King Arthur’s song for inspiration on achieving a “new order of loyalty” in today’s environment.
The ability to “sell” based on not just telling a story, but creating the story with one’s audience, is the key to success in travel retailing.
Today, consumers themselves can get all the information they could ever want. What they really need, though, is someone to create a compelling story.
There comes a time in our careers when we need to discover what business we really are in.