Fast Company Offers Tips On Keeping Your Laptop Safe In The Middle East
by Cheryl Rosen /The recent ban on electronic devices in the cabins of airplanes traveling to and from the Middle East presents a new security concern: having your electronics – and perhaps your company’s secrets – disappear. Fast Company has offered up the following tips:
1. Be careful when you check your computer.
Some airlines, like Emirates and Turkish Airlines, allow customers to keep their computers until boarding, while others make you check it in your luggage. But no matter what the policy, consider wiping the laptop clean of all data and taking just what you need on an encrypted portable drive.
2. Buy a cheap tablet and toss it when you get off the plane.
A new Amazon Fire tablet costs less than $50 these days, has no personal information, and will not bring home viruses that may infect your data.
3. Ship your computer home.
You’ll have to carefully wrap it and it will cost you, but you can just let UPS, FedEx, or DHL take care of the details for you. And your back will thank you.
4. Take a break from technology altogether.
The surprise suggestion from tech-friendly Fast Company quotes Travel Leaders’ Gabe Rizzi recommending “breaking out the pen and paper” and just getting to know your fellow travelers. And of course, you can always use your smart phone when you need a tech fix.
For the full story, go here.