10 Reasons We Travel
by Cheryl Rosen and Jessica Montevago /For an updated version of this article from 2022, click here.
1. To get a new perspective
There’s nothing like travel to help you see that what you think is “the way people do things” is really just the way YOU do things. From our families to our work to our food to our homes, humankind is alive with differences you cannot imagine—until you see them for yourself.
2. To see the world through new eyes
“We need sometimes to escape into open solitudes, into aimlessness, into the moral holiday of running some pure hazard, in order to sharpen the edge of life, to taste hardship, and to be compelled to work desperately for a moment at no matter what,” wrote philosopher George Santayana in “The Philosophy of Travel.”
3. To gain appreciation for what you have
There’s no place like home—but that’s so easy to forget. Leaving the comforts behind gives you a renewed appreciation for them when you return.
4. To get some distance from work
Americans have a reputation the world over have for being unable to leave their jobs behind. But taking a step away from the job is good for your physical and mental health. It’s good for your work, too— it gives you the space to see the big picture in a new way, and builds a stronger team by forcing you to delegate and let someone else have your back.
5. To settle grievances through shared experiences
There’s nothing like a glass of wine by the cruise-ship pool to open a discussion that helps you see another person’s side of things. Family grudges and hurt feelings that rumble beneath the surface of the annual Thanksgiving dinner look different when you’re making memories and sharing pleasurable experiences—and seeing each other, literally, in a new light.
6. To get you out of your comfort zone
Whether you’re stuck in a rut or looking to gain a little independence, traveling can teach you things you never knew about yourself. Discover your resourcefulness while mingling with the locals. Realize your capabilities while navigating your way through a foreign city. You’ll never learn more about yourself than when you travel.
7. To admire Mother Nature
Travel gives us the gift of seeing how small we really are in comparison to the beauty of Mother Nature. From crystal blue waters to pink sands to lush greenery, the real world is full of colors and sounds, sights and sites, that no computer screen can duplicate.
8. To learn about other cultures
Every destination has its own unique history and style. A passionate local tour guide will immerse you in a world that’s completely different from the one in which you live.
9. To strengthen relationships
There’s something about the shared experience of travel that can bring people together. Family vacations, a trip with a significant other, or a girls’ weekend will build a lifelong bond.
10. To unplug
We’re constantly checking in on our phones, living life through other’s status updates or posts. Traveling allows you to disconnect from emails and social media. Sit back, relax, and take in the moment without the screen of your phone blocking the view.