Digital Elite Travelers Spend More, Travel More, Sez Study
by Maria Lenhart /Young travelers who own and frequently use at least two different mobile devices–smartphones and tablets–are taking more vacations and spending more on them than those who are older and/or less connected.
This is among the findings from the recent 2014 Portrait of Digital Travelers, a survey conducted by the travel marketing communications firm MMGY Global.
The survey focused on the travel habits, preferences and intentions of what it dubbed the “Digital Elite”—1,250 active travelers who are frequent users of mobile technology.
This Digital Elite, seven in 10 of whom are millennials (age 18-34) or Gen Xers (age 35-49), have higher incomes and educational levels and are more ethnically diverse than less connected travelers. They are also on the increase, representing 38% of all travelers, up from 21% in 2012.
Higher spend
The Digital Elite outspent less connected travelers by $1,850 ($5,848 compared to $3,997) on vacations during the past year, according to the survey.
They plan to spend 10% more on vacations during the next year ($6,446), while other travelers plan to increase spending by only 1% ($4,025).
Fueling this trend are Digital Elite millennials, who said they plan to boost their vacation spending by 21%, taking it up to $6,679 during the next year.
Traveling more
Along with spending more on travel, the Digital Elite also travel more frequently. They took an average of 4.8 vacations during the past year, significantly more than the 3.8 vacations taken by other travelers.
This trend will continue in the year ahead, with 21% of Digital Elite travelers planning to take more trips than last year, in comparison to 17% of other travelers.
Again, it’s Digital Elite millennials leading the charge, with 32% planning to take more vacations during the next year, significantly more than the 18% of boomers and 12% of Gen Xers who plan to do so. (Boomers are ages 50 to 68.)
Device dependent
Perhaps not surprisingly, the survey found that Digital Elite travelers tend to rely on their mobile devices while on vacation.
Some 54% reported using their smartphones as much on vacation as at home, while 51% said they use their tablets as much on vacation as at home.
The Digital Elite most frequently used their smartphones on vacation for making calls and taking photos (82%), accessing the internet (80%), getting email and sending texts (70%), using apps (64%), and accessing social media (54%).
They most frequently used their tablets on vacation for comparison shopping for airfares and hotel rates (31%); reading ratings or reviews of hotels, restaurants and destinations (28%); and booking flights and hotels (26%).
Generational preferences
In looking at generational travel preferences among the Digital Elite, the survey found:
• Over half of boomers select their vacation destination first, significantly higher than the 47% of Gen Xers and 29% of millennials who do so.
• Roughly one quarter of each generation selects the type of vacation as the first step in vacation planning.
• About three in 10 millennials are willing to pay more for upgraded airline class of service, significantly more than the two in 10 Gen Xers and boomers.
• Over six in 10 millennials said they don’t want to “feel like a tourist” while on vacation, in contrast to one half of Gen Xers and Boomers.
• Millennials are significantly more likely than Gen Xers or boomers to be motivated to vacation by a desire to experience different cultures and new cuisines and to enhance relationships.