Explora Journeys Delays Launch of First Ship, Inaugural Voyage Uncertain
by Dori Saltzman /
It’s a rare thing in these post-COVID days for a new ship to launch on time, let alone a brand new cruise line and Explora Journeys is no exception. The line’s handover and naming ceremony, which was scheduled to take place July 6 and July 8 respectively, have been pushed back by at least a few weeks.
According to a statement from Explora, “Italian shipbuilder Fincantieri and the Cruise Division of MSC Group have agreed to make further enhancements to the final work of Explora I…”
These enhancements are forecast to take “a few weeks.”
“As a subsequent result, both ship builder and ship owner have decided to postpone the delivery ceremony that was scheduled for Thursday 6 July at the Fincantieri shipyard in Monfalcone, Italy to a later date… A new date for the delivery ceremony will be communicated as soon as possible. “
As for whether the line’s first scheduled sailing, on July 17, will still take place, it seems unlikely though a spokesperson for the line told TMR she has “no further info regarding canceled sailings from Explora Journeys.”
This is not the first delay for the ship. Explora I was originally scheduled to debut this past May but last fall, the line pushed back the launch to this month, citing supply chain issues. Then, a few weeks ago, the line quietly canceled a preview sailing that was scheduled to take place with travel advisors and media onboard.