Only Credit Cards Rank Worse Than Travel for Consumer Washing
by Dori Saltzman
A new report from Travelport has found that consumers believe the travel industry is one of the worst offenders of consumer washing, the practice of companies doing things they say are good for consumers but are, in fact, actually about profit.
According to the report, “The State of Modern Retailing 2025,” 44% of the 2,100+ consumers interviewed believe that airlines, hotels, and travel companies partake in consumer washing, specifically via misleading prices. Only credit card companies were considered more misleading (45%).
Leading the travel suppliers that consumers believe to be the most misleading are the airlines and hotels.
According to the authors of the report, travel advisors can reap the benefit of consumers’ distrust and confusion.
“As trusted advisors, only they are positioned to offer the transparency people so badly need. Agencies with data enrichment tools that plug in to tech stacks can simplify offers and fees for everyone. And offer that radical transparency consumers need. Modern retailing isn’t sweeping clauses and caveats under the carpet. It’s about being honest with buyers — and knowing that honesty engenders loyalty.”