Air Canada Schedules Host Migration for Nov. 19
by Daniel McCarthy /Air Canada’s reservation system will be down for 12 hours beginning on Monday, Nov. 18 at 8 p.m. EST, as the airline plans for its host migration to Altéa, its new Passenger Service System.
No reservations, inventory, or ticketing functions will be available during those 12 hours.
With the migration, Air Canada will still continue to operate in Apollo, Galileo, and Worldspan and provide a lot of the same functionality, like seat maps and seat selection, FLIFO, and fare displays, that it had before, though a few things will change.
The seat map characteristics in the PSS will appear different and advisor record locators will now be shared with other airlines that also use Altéa as their host.
A full list of the changes are listed in Air Canada’s migration guide, which can be found here.