Amadeus Partnership Enables Bidding For Upgrades
by Michele McDonaldAmadeus is partnering with Plusgrade, a New York-based technology firm that enables passengers to bid for upgrades or to sit next to an empty seat.
After buying a ticket, a passenger can place a bid on the airline’s website. Airlines’ rules differ as to the window of time in which the bid must be received. The rules also vary regarding when the passenger will learn whether the bid was accepted, but generally it’s between 24 and 72 hours before departure.
Of the 35 airlines that are live with Plusgrade, 23 are on the Amadeus Altéa passenger services system. The partnership with Plusgrade will enable new Altéa customers to implement the solution much more quickly.
None of the 35 airlines are based in the United States; 13 are European, 10 are based in the Asia-Pacific region, 8 are in the Middle East or Africa, and 4 are Latin American.
Ken Harris, chief executive officer of Plusgrade, told Travel Market Report that more than 50 airlines are under contract for the service.
American Airlines had tested the program for a time in 2013-2014 but set it aside during the merger with US Airways. Virgin America has been testing it as well, but it’s not clear whether that will continue under ownership by Alaska Airlines.