ASTA-NACTA Ties Grow Closer Under Ann Chamberlin
by Richard D'Ambrosio
How has your new joint role, as NACTA president and ASTA SVP of Membership and Strategic Partnerships, been working?
I’m delighted to serve the ASTA membership through building strategic relationships with our Consortia and Host Agency partners. At the same time, I enjoy serving the small business owners of the NACTA membership as President of the association. It just made sense to align the associations more closely together and I applaud Zane for making this business decision. The idea to better integrate the two organizations arose out of ASTA’s first ever “Showcase” event held in May, 2016 in Maui.
It’s rewarding to see the strong professional relationships Bob Duglin and I enjoy help strengthen both brands. ASTA has been revitalized and been dubbed the “New ASTA” in many industry circles. By integrating the two more closely, the organizations are able to maximize resources and share best practices. The Chapter system for both associations is continuing to grow, which is important as ICs look to be involved locally to stay abreast of current industry news and trends.
The ASTA chapters are vital for local networking; in this way travel advisors understand the work ASTA does on their behalf to protect their business. NACTA members take pride in the fact ASTA is the parent company and 140 NACTA members carry joint membership in both associations.
Can you give us an update on the growth in ASTA membership?
The membership team’s main focus is on membership growth, support, chapter operations and expansion. Revenue is also a big accomplishment and not something that has changed overnight. It is due to a multi-phase strategy to equalize our membership dues structure, enhance the benefits of belonging and strengthen our strategic partnerships. Attention to our consortia partnerships remains a high priority. We’ve achieved our 2017 Premium membership goal with 142 agencies belonging to ASTA at this level. The fastest growing membership category is with ICs joining ASTA at the $199 annual dues with a two-year commitment. There are currently 540 ICs registered with ASTA, of that 140 carry dual membership in NACTA. The recipe for membership success is concisely explaining how travel agents benefit from ASTA membership and then encouraging them to join and get engaged in their trade association.
When travel consultants attend ASTA’s Global convention and Legislative Day they walk away with a greater appreciation of what we do and understand the value of working collaboratively across the industry. It’s very rewarding and inspiring.
What percent of NACTA members have joined ASTA?
NACTA remains steady and strong. The NACTA chapter system stands at 50+ members serving as Chapter Directors. Don McGahee, Manager Membership sales and service works collaboratively with Kim Sherrett to support and grow the NACTA chapters. NACTA membership includes travel agents, host agencies, suppliers and destination CVBs. A myth is that NACTA is only for ICs. That’s not the case, as travel agents employed, franchised, hosted and fully independents enjoy the benefits and programs NACTA offers. 10% of NACTA members hold dual membership in ASTA.
What has been the biggest benefit for both organizations of you having both roles?
Consistency comes to mind first off. Under the old structure where the associations were managed separately it felt disparate. Now the staff is one team and we are able to work more collaboratively and weigh the needs of both associations carefully while maintaining separate identities for the midterm. I’ve also enjoyed bringing my industry knowledge and expertise to the ASTA association because a strong travel agency distribution system is critical for the industry. Our suppliers depend on travel agents to fill their ships, hotels and tours. Consortia and Host Agency partners’ business models rely on a healthy travel agency network.
How is the revamped chapter president system working?
ASTA believes the chapter system is vital to keeping membership healthy and growing so much so we hired Kim last November to be the main contact to ensure the chapters are supported and growing. The board also voted and approved the appointment of the three area director positions for the West, Central and Eastern regions which are covered by Laura Rodriquez, Chris Seddelmeyer and Steve Powers respectively. Removing the election process at the chapter level has allowed us to move more nimbly with the appointments of new Chapter Presidents. The appointments are done collaboratively with the Area Directors.