MasterAdvisor 84: Why Travel Advisors Need Training
by Daniel McCarthy /Training is vital to travel advisor and agency owner success, regardless of what level of career you’re at.
In this episode, sponsored by KORE, TMR’s Daniel McCarthy is joined by Heather Di Pietro and Bridget Merritt of Travel Sales Groups, to talk about their philosophies and experiences training. The two provide very different perspectives, as they are at different stages of their careers, but still, both value scheduled training sessions, whether that’s supplier training, social media training, FAM trips, and more, highly.
For more MasterAdvisor content, subscribe to TMR’s YouTube channel here.
For full episodes:
– Episode 83: Emotional Branding and Why It’s Important
– Episode 82: Why Social Media Is an Asset in Your Business
– Episode 81: Being Kind to Yourself and Balancing Work and Life as an Advisor