You Can Always Count on Me!
by Scott Koepf /Photo: Youtube
One of the most creative musicals I have ever seen is “City of Angels.” It is not produced very often any more, due to the fact that it requires some very complicated set pieces to meld a fictional story (in black and white) with real life (in color). Throughout the musical there is a tension between fantasy and reality that I think we can all understand, but one song in particular could be heralded as the Travel Agent’s Lament.
In the show our leading lady is bemoaning her love life—but as the lyrics below indicate, it is easy to hear these words come from a travel agent as she toils through another day:
If you need a gal to go without salary and work too hard
You can always count on me.
Though my kind of game will die out like the dinosaurs
You can always count on me.
Faithful and true as a Saint Bernard
I’m loyal to the Nth degree.
You can always count on me!
Just like this character, we can create a self-fulfilling prophecy by what we believe and repeat. In other words, if you believe that while you are loyal and true you will never make much money, that you are doomed to a life of poverty, then it will come true!
For years I have heard about how our industry needs more young people. No question that is true, but how do we solve the problem? Well, to quote a cartoon character from long ago, “We have met the enemy, and it is us!”
I know I am generalizing. But with the rare exception, when I am at trade shows and visiting agents the take-away from the conversations is that being a travel agent is fraught with headaches, greatly unappreciated, and severely underpaid. But I challenge you to change your tune!
When I do have a conversation with travel agents who love what they do and are well paid I am reminded just how easily we could recruit the next generation. Unfortunately there are not enough positive agents singing the praises of this business—so take this as a challenge to focus on the excitement and opportunity that retail travel really offers. Remember that fantasy can become reality through a positive attitude and diligent pursuit of the results you dream about.
If you nodded your head when you read the lyrics above, I hope it was because of the loyalty you have. I hope your clients can indeed count on you. But if you related more to the lack of salary and the same fate as the dinosaurs, you may need an attitude check and a whole new song to sing!
A great travel agent is someone who can sing “you can always count on me” but also knows how to make a good living without fear of extinction. Your goal should be to get your clients to sing another song from this show:
I’m nothing without you
Without you I lack what it takes.
You are the singular person I need.
With you by my side, there’s no better guide
Without you, I’m nothing at all!