Baja California Sur to Enforce Mandatory $25 Tourist Tax
by Sarah Milner /
Photo: Hilton
Baja California Sur will soon charge international travelers a mandatory $25 USD ($37 CAD) visitor tax.
The fee was introduced in 2022 as the EmbraceIt Fund for a Sustainable Baja California Sur, and was framed as a “contribution” that guests were “encouraged” to pay. Any traveler over the age of 12 visiting the state for business, medical, education, or leisure purposes for more than 24 hours was asked to contribute to the fund.
The EmbraceIt fee’s voluntary nature is changing, with strict reinforcement set to begin in October, OpenJaw reports. Hotels, resorts, marinas, and attractions in Baja California Sur will collect the tax. Failure to pay the fee could result in a $1,200 fine.
EmbraceIt is handled by Travelkore, the same platform used for the Quintana Roo tourist tax.
Tim Scurry, CEO of Torkore (which owns Travelkore), explained the reinstated fee’s planned rollout:
“At the airports there is a three-month soft launch. Tourists will be reminded before they enter the state and again before they leave. Digital tracking is in force day one. During the soft launch period there will be no penalties, but tourists will be asked to simply pay the tax if stopped and any past taxes owed.”
The Baja California Sur state officials have not confirmed the EmbraceIt changes.