Facebook Is Key to Building Tourism, Says VisitBritain
A new report by VisitBritain credits Facebook with increasing its tourism.
Focused primarily on inbound visitors from the United States, Germany, India, and South Korea, “The Role of Social Media in the Context of Holidays” found that 70% of respondent said content posted by their friends made them want to visit a destination, and 89% had themselves posted on social media at some point during their vacation.
Facebook was the primary source, with 44% of travelers to Britain saying the site played a role in their decision-making. They used Twitter more often to seek suggestions and advice while already on vacation, and Instagram to share photos of their experiences.
The influence of photos was highest in India, where 81% said that seeing their friends’ travel photos made them want to visit a place, followed by South Korea (76%) and the United States (68%).
–Anna Gleksman
Pic: Maurice